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Annual Roadmap: Create Your Vision

Happy New Year! I hope you are the same you but that you continue to grow and work on being the truest and most authentic version of yourself. In order to help you do that, I have put together some questions to help you create the vision of you and your next year. The PDF version is linked at the bottom of this post.

SECTION 1: Reflection - Look Back at the past year

1. Gratitude. As this year draws to a close, who & what in your life are you most grateful for? This can be who is in your life, what is in your life, or what has happened to you this past year. I am most GRATEFUL for:  

2. What did you accomplish last year? What worked well, celebrations, successes, and/or victories? (personal and career)  

3. What were a few of your best practices from the previous year that allowed you to achieve these successes? For example, what were you disciplined with? What habits did you practice that allowed you to create success? What similar disciplines do you need to practice in the new year to help you create success this year?  

4. What’s one thing that did not work well last year that you need to let go of?  

5. How did you change the most this past year? (Maybe it’s even one word that epitomizes your last year)


6. What were your big goals for the past year? (top 3-5 goals) Were they accomplished?  

SECTION 2: Vision - Look forward to the New Year 

1. What do you want to accomplish in the new year? This is both personal & professional. You can write as many “big” and “small” things down as you want.  No limit to number (Take approx. 10-min)


2. What are your big 3-5 for the new year? These are the main things you really want to accomplish professionally and/or personally.

3.Are there any “Moonshot Ideas” you have for the new year? These can be the same as your big 3-5 or different, but you want these “big” things to happen to help make it a winning year. 

4. Vivid Description. Write out your “vivid description” for your goals and/or moonshot ideas. These are the descriptions/details on how you can make each of them actually happen. This is all you must do or that must happen to potentiate your moonshots.


5.The Big ONE. What is the “one thing” that must happen this next year to make it your year? This could be your BHAG (big hairy audacious goal) or it could be something “small but critical”.


6. What is going to be your theme for the new year? 

SECTION 3: Money 

1. How much money do you want to make this next year?

2. What will you need to do to earn/create that money?

3. Are there any specific moves you need to make to create that income/profit?  

4. What are 1-3 things you love to do if you can create that income/money? 

SECTION 4: Habits

1. What is one habit you must stop or eliminate from your life this year because it holds you back from reaching your potential?

2. What’s one habit you can start doing to help you achieve what you want this year? 

3. What are a few other habits you would like to develop or keep from the previous year?

SECTION 5: Others 

1. How many vacations do you commit to taking this next year?  

2. Mastery- “you can only go as far as you grow”. What conference/events/retreats/classes are you committing to attend this year to continue working on self-growth? What programs do you want to invest in?  

3. Who do you want to connect with this year?  


1. What is your purpose and mission in life? (complete in 3 sentences of less):  

Your mission is what you will do to achieve your vision... and summarizes your purpose.

2. What are your BIG 5 for life? These are the 5 things you must accomplish in your lifetime.


3. What is your 3–5-year vision for your career and life? What are 5 things you would like to accomplish in the next 3-5 years?

4. What is your vision for your life? What do you want to create? What do you look like? How do you spend your day? Who do you spend your time with?

5. What do you want to accomplish in the next decade?

6. What are your top 5 values you stand-by? These are your non-negotiables. 

7. What are the 5-rolee/titles that you’re great at and you most enjoy?

8. What are 5 words or short phrases that you want to embody and be remembered by?

9. What’s one decision you would make in this next year if you knew you would not fail?


10. If this were the last year of your life, what is the one thing you must do this year? 

You can get the free printable PDF version below:

If you happen to work through these and want someone to chat with about them, don't hesitate to send me a message!

Take care,

Coach Liz


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